I find that the one constant theme in my life has been that of the path that must be rewritten. Always coming to that pivotal moment when I have to decide to either continue on a broken path to nowhere within sight or choose to create the bridge that will in turn lead me unto a path that might finally lead me home.
Exeter, New Hampshire |
Sometimes I find that remapping my life's path leads me to new places, geographically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, romantically and economically. Every change and every turn, a new experience and new motivation to keep heading down that long mysterious path.
Salem, Massachusetts |
There are moments along my individual path when I realize that I'm on a road I've already traveled and I've learned that an old familiar road can be as comforting as it can be stifling. It has also served to open my eyes to things I failed to see while traveling that road before. After all, a road frequently traveled is a road I won't soon forget. And when on that old familiar road, I find that it leads me to surprisingly new and pleasant places. Sometimes the path leads me back to where I took those first steps so that I can refresh and reevaluate my choices, learning from my missteps and moving forward towards uncharted territories.